Turbo-charge your dating success with my Domino Dating strategy
‘Domino Dating’™ is one of my many success strategies for singles seeking love. Quite simply, it means meeting as many potential partners as possible to give you perspective and practice as well as the best chance of meeting that special person. This way you create a sort of ‘dating ripple’ or ‘domino effect’. Also, your network of contacts will grow and you could end up with your date’s brother or sister or even a new job!
Your only goal on a first date will be to decide if the person is a ‘maybe’ or a ‘no-hoper’. Collect as many ‘maybes’ in your circle as possible. Of course, you’ll be absolutely clear with everyone that you’re not doing exclusive or intimate dating just yet – so no-one gets hurt.
Once you feel it might be going somewhere with one of the many dates you’re meeting, then you focus on exploring the possibility of exclusive relationship together.
Domino Dating must not be confused with Serial Dating where you flit like a butterfly through an endless series of dates without exploring any of them.
Domino Dating gives you the chance to practise so you get it right next time
If you’re prepared to date anyone who’s at least ‘roughly right’ – you’ll get heaps of practice and acquire more confidence and skill in handling future dating situations.
Play the field, go for volume and meet as many singles as possible. When you meet the right one, you’ll be in good practice for giving out positive signals and be more likely to judge the situation accurately. If previously you’ve been on only a few dates, you’ll be much more likely to get it wrong.
To increase your success rate, expect to increase your failure rate, too.
You need to meet more frogs/frog-esses if you’re to meet more princes/princesses! If you’re only meeting one available single every year, then too bad if they don’t turn out to be right for you – they’re all that’s on offer. Go for volume, on the other hand, and you give yourself plenty of choice. Today there’s no shortage of dating options around from Tinder through to high-end matchmaking.
Hone your flirt skills with Domino Dating.
It’s not rocket science: to flirt effectively and appropriately on a first date is crucial. If you’re not relaxed you can’t flirt appropriately, and you won’t be giving out the right signals to intrigue and fascinate your date. Then they won’t want to flirt with you and thus you wont find them attractive and will conclude there never can be chemistry.
You can even practise just ‘friendly flirting’ on the non-runners – BUT keep the boundaries absolutely clear between friendly and romantic or sexy flirting so that you don’t mislead them.
But what about ‘instant chemistry’?
Remember this one thing, most successful relationships start with a friendship, often with little or no indication of ‘chemistry’. Do your homework: ask ten happy couples you know what they thought of one another on their first date and expect to be surprised.
With Domino Dating you always make it clear that right now you’re still seeing other people, although of course you’re seeking a permanent and loving relationship. Of course it’s fine to explore multiple friendships. You’re not getting intimate with any of them, I hope. The more time you take to get to know one another before the spark ignites (and not just the sexual tinder), the more powerful and enduring all that follows will be.
Domino Dates are very short dates!
Always, always keep first meetings very short and explain this before you meet, so your date doesn’t think you’re just walking out on them. Just an hour or 90 minutes for a drink and maybe nibbles. Never, ever dinner or you could fall at the first hurdle. A longer first or second date, especially if wine and delicious food are present, the more likely you are to over-expose emotionally and kill it off immediately.
The Slow Burn
OK, Domino Dating is a key ingredient for dating success. But only if you go for the ‘slow burn’. Always finish a first or second date with plenty more to discover about each other. Don’t talk of exclusivity, yet. Don’t wax loquacious about ‘starting a family’. Above all, please don’t gallop into physical intimacy by letting sex hormones make your decisions. Here’s an interesting statistic: 95% of couples who have sex in the first thirty days of their relationship are not together after a year. By waiting till day thirty one, 65% will still be together.
Make Domino Dynamics work for you!
Good luck! Mary Balfour
Domino Dating™ is a trade mark of Mary Balfour