My Domino Dating Strategy in action!
To recap, as long as a date is at least ‘friendship material’, by dating them again you can set up a ripple, or Domino Effect, which multiplies your opportunities. Every date sets up that ripple effect – and ripples can lead to great waves. It’s highly possible that one of the dates you just make friends with like this will become more than just a friend – simply because that’s how it so often happens. But if it doesn’t, then maybe some of the networking possibilities they can open up for you will be fruitful. Don’t worry whether you fancy your date or not; just ask yourself, ‘Are they a fun human being and would I enjoy another hour of their company in the future?’
How Domino Dating gets you flirting effectively:
Eliminating one date stumbling block will have a knock-on effect and eliminate another. For example, lack of opportunity to meet people can make you doubt yourself psychologically. Your confidence plummets. You feel that there’s something wrong with you, rather than with the crazy situation you’re in. However, self-esteem is rekindled once you start to enjoy dating regularly again. You’re creating opportunities to meet interesting singles, and the more you meet the easier it gets. One dating success triggers another – what I call the Domino Dating Effect. In other words, go for volume. The more practice you have at dating, the easier it gets to negotiate all the hurdles and recognise and attract dates with real relationship potential. Singles who practise my Domino Dating strategy seem to be able to find and stay in relationships more easily. Whereas, if you only go on one date a year – even if that date was the cat’s whiskers – you are likely to have such high expectations that it fails to take off.
Flirting and the Domino Dating Effect
Domino Dating is central to learning new flirt skills. By aiming to date as many singles as possible, you create this dating ripple effect – really useful for flirt practice and you meet other interesting and available singles in the process. These are the perfect conditions for practice in triggering your flirt mode and for trying out your flirt skills. Furthermore, one of these interesting dates may turn out to be that someone special! You can even practise on the no-hopers – BUT keep the boundaries absolutely clear between friendly and sexy flirting so that you don’t mislead anyone.
Flirting with the no-hopers?
Commit yourself to getting out there, on some interesting dates, with anyone who’s roughly right, and practise turning up your attractiveness voltage. It’s only by going out with some of the ‘not quite right dates” that you learn to recognise the right ones.
You only need a few fun practice dates to start being more mischievous, dazzling and curious. And if you’re not enjoying yourself, fake it till you feel it. To be more relaxed about flirting, spice up your week with lots of those little, friendly flirt opportunities. Don’t forget to trigger your flirt mode first. These everyday flirt moments are the building blocks for becoming a sizzling, sexy flirt.